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Degustacja w Przemyślu / Marek Kondrat Wina Wybrane

Degustacja w Przemyślu / Marek Kondrat Wina Wybrane

Since March 2013, our Polish importer carries out a program of presenting their producers of wine called 12/12 (twelve wine companies in the twelve months). Our vineyard was able to to present itself as the first.Each month customers of all shops of Marek Kondrat Selected Wines have the opportunity to talk personally with the producers and taste their products.  Guests are mainly wine lovers as well as journalists who were covering these events on the Internet.15 km from the Ukrainian border in the far east Poland there is beautiful town- Przemyśl.Shop is located in the heart of the city. Numerous guests, many questions and very positive feedback. Our philosophy and in particular our wines have met with very good acceptance. For the first time we also had the opportunity to give an interview to the online tv. Thank you very much for your hospitality.